Stellar Blog

Industry Snapshot - Hunter Valley

Written by Stellar Recruitment | Mar 16, 2017

Mines in the Hunter Valley are ramping up with the cost of coal stabilising at a reasonable rate over the past five months. Most mines are ramping up production and opening up new sections to extract as much as they can before the end of financial year.

We are seeing some companies move contractors to permanent roles to retain people as they ramp up production and offer incentive bonuses. However there are some mines that specifically want to stick with contractor labour hire so they can turn on and off when needed. There is a shortage of experienced operators so therefore most mining companies are putting on traineeships or entry level cleanskin operators.  This is a positive sign to reduce the skill shortage whilst also giving opportunities for people to break into the mining industry with a push to increase some clients diversity targets.

There is a huge demand in the Valley for qualified experienced maintenance labour.  Plant Mechanics, HV Electricians and Auto Electricians have lots of employment options once again as sites are still short in filling rostered and ad-hoc positions.

If you are located in the Hunter Valley and work within the mining industry please get in contact with us! We have lots of vacancies at present offering various rosters and rates across different sites around Muswellbrook and Singleton.

About Stellar Workforce

We are Stellar Recruitment, our Stellar Workforce NSW team is made up of trained personnel focussing on different areas of the industry such as maintenance, production, development, assembly and manufacturing.

Contact Us

Luke Thomsen, NSW Account Manager 


p: 0429 267 187