Stellar Blog

Working from home: How to maintain productivity

Written by Nicole Picone | Mar 25, 2020

Maintaining productivity while working from home can be challenging; below are some tips and tricks on how to stay engaged and continue to work towards your work goals. 

Be Prepared

Be prepared and ready to commence work at your normal work time (i.e. dressed, you have had breakfast etc to ensure you hit the day with momentum).


Work Station Ready

Ensure that you have your workstation set-up the night prior and that your devices are fully charged.


Stay Connected

You are an essential team member, make sure you are still connecting and information

sharing with your colleagues. There’s a lot of information you pick up incidentally from working in an office environment – let’s find ways to not lose that.


Get Outside for a Break

Have a walk and get fresh air at lunch or at the time you would normally be commuting! Still maintain your fitness regime.



Work your normal office hours to maintain your normal routine. 


Continue to Talk

Speak to your customers and keep up to date with what is happening in their world. Your support during difficult times will be remembered.