Stellar Recruitment has built itself an impeccable corporate services recruitment department and it starts at the top. Our executive recruitment services are at the forefront of the recruitment industry and we pride ourselves on hiring the best candidates based on experience and potential fit. Executive roles are important because they’ll be steering the ship, so you need someone competent filling the role. They have the pressure on them to deliver business wide results, it take the right kind of person to fit the job.
Executives roles come in a variety of options. They can usually be grouped by the term senior management and hold the most power out of employees. They’ll often be serving the purpose of a bigger picture rather than micromanaging day to day activities of the office. They’re in charge of the direction of the business, overseeing where they’re going and how they’ll get there. They’ll have to consult with all levels of the company including staff, management and board members.
Executives are exclusively higher up or senior roles and offer salaries accordingly. An executive position such as Executive Director can expect an average salary of around $148, 000 per year in Australia. In New Zealand they can expect an average salary of $122, 000 for the same role. The average salary for an executive position in Australia is around $108, 000.
Executives are leaders, and there are certain skills that can set apart good and bad leaders. Here are a few that are especially important:
- Communication
When someone has total authority with no regard for anyone else’s opinion, that is a dictatorship. You should try to avoid that. Having good communication skills to not only direct but also listen can set you apart as a leader. Even the top position should be having back and forths. You can’t see every facet of the company, but you have individuals covering said facets that can report back to you.
- Decision Making
Maybe the most obvious skill necessary for being an executive since it’s in the job description, but good decision making can’t be understated. Being calm and clear thinking is vital, the right decision isn’t always the obvious one, a good leader can discern what the appropriate move is, who will benefit and how.
- Strategy
Leaders are chosen because they can lead the best. Executives should have the foresight and knowledge to go in the right direction and map out how to get there. They should also have their ear to the ground, have a leadership team, take advice and listen to those who know more about aspects of the business than you.
Executives cover more roles than just CEO. There’s a multitude of executive roles necessary for a company to function, Stellar Recruitment fills a number of these roles including but not limited to:
- Operations manager
- General manager
- Director of ales
- General operations (operations)
- Vice president
- Communications manager
Stellar Recruitment has hired executive roles in both Australia and New Zealand and have the perfect staff to help find the perfect fit. We’ve helped thousands find their right fit in their right roles and have placed over 3.5 Million hours of employment. We’ve retained our first client from 2006 and over 98% of our business is repeat.
If you are a candidate looking for your next role or a business looking for the right employee, our executive specialists are here to help you. Please contact our team below for a confidential discussion on how we can best meet your career objectives or business needs.
P: 07 3009 9610
P: +64 9 394 1171
P: 033535689
P: +64 27 299 4954
P: +64 3 974 2447